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Indepth Perspectives gives us a deeper look into communities by getting to know locals, such as patrons artists and business owners. By sharing their stories, we're not only encouraging other communities who watch our show but supporting the growth and development of each place we visit..

I am inspired to begin building a following with clips promoting Humboldt County.
Sign up here to be featured in our campaign, and make pledges to help us get wheels up.
Film has always been a source of fun creativity, and I'm excited to begin offering my services!
I got into promotions on accident, starting as a writer who found his passion and knew it would be important to support other's on their path as well. In school, I studied psychology, journalism, business, music, politics, religions, and science.
I'm now writing stories about people in their pursuits of passion and productive interests, and beginning to branch into mixed media. "You can't do a bigger favor than revealing someone's heart and soul."
Get involved with Indepth Perspectives by joining our network, participating in projects, or contracting my services. I will be sharing clips and advertisements to! - Anthony DeLuca
Anthony DeLuca is currently undergoing recruitment and vetting with Crystal Luther
Big THANKS to everyone helping put this program together!
This Custom Web Page is created by Anthony DeLuca of to inquire sponsors for "Indepth Perspectives" the television program, and donated to be shared on
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