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STAND UP HUMBOLDT Recognizes Our Network As A Resource For Bringing The Community Together

For the first time I believe in all time, Rhapsodic Global has been recognized by another networking platform for the value we offer in bringing communities together. This is exciting news because this published declaration affirms the work we're doing here. Of course it is already apparent everyone here believes in our mission, but this is different because it marks a new chapter for our website. Stand Up Humboldt has recognized our new interactive section for people to promote themselves, and connect with other site contributors.

Stand Up Humboldt came into existence as people in Humboldt County became fed up with mandates, and in particular the masking of children. I tend to stay away from any topic that has people so divided, but naturally like many current issues, this cause is important and deserves a careful approach. I actually agree that masking children causes more damage than it helps. Children need to see each other's faces for proper psychological development, and the notion that kids would be reared to fear socializing is troubling to say the least.

It's difficult discussing the legality of mandates because so many people are tired of fighting, in general, tired of fighting. A lot of people seem to believe that if there's a chance a mask could help, they'll wear it. Still many others believe that masks are not making much of a difference, nor are they necessary when you really look at the numbers and consider new treatments and things we didn't know about before. Maybe in the beginning of the pandemic it made more sense to be cautious, but we have so much more information now.

If people want to talk preventatives, there are many qualified doctors offering a variety of helpful advice on the subject. Therein lies the problem.. Tragically our Government and Corporate media outlets are not only ignoring these doctors, but censoring any narrative that challenges the "official" campaign. The problem with censoring information is that it does not lead to accurate or intelligent decision making. Add the fact that mandates are unlawful, and one begins to wonder if their freedom to choose is being taken away..

Information is often conflicting or contextual. The essence of intelligence is the ability to process different ideas and create our own understanding. So, how could we even debate the validity of censorship in a situation where our information is censored? I don't want to get carried away, because I do find it insulting that there are people out there who believe we're dumb enough to deserve censorship. But during these times of great change and division, it is absolutely necessary that we organize for a better way to go about our business.

I'm just thankful that someone has taken me up on my offer to utilize our platform for sharing productive interests. How many times have you been intrigued by a local cause on corporate media platforms, only to be distracted by the next notification? With an active community here, we may become less enthralled with corporate media sites and celebrate our new group of connections with a movement! I created Rhapsodic Global knowing that our privacy and attention are at stake, but we can do so much better..

I found Dianna Hardwick on YouTube live, in her words "Sharing information about Humboldt County to Humboldt County, and anyone who's interested." She also promotes people who practice arts and business by interviewing them on her channel. I was excited to see Dianna at work because it's very similar to what we do here at Rhapsodic Global. When I left a comment inviting her to see our site, Dianna joined and got right to work inviting me to interview on her show. We also attended a local presentation about forming PMA's.

PMA stands for Private Membership Association, which is a constitutionally protected form of business in the United States. The presentation was led by Mike and Vanessa Colomb from The Renegade Nation, which is a great resource for anyone who wants to develop their own PMA and see other PMA businesses. The experience inspired a few new group options on our website. One being a place to discuss constitutional resources. and the other being a place for various local organizers to discuss projects together.

I really should give the credit to Dianna for recognizing Rhapsodic Global's value, and encouraging me to set up the group space. We've discussed Rhapsodic Global's mission and she's helped me see how useful our platform can be for local organizers. Stand Up Humboldt has a lot of great resources on their website for anyone ready to learn the law, and stand up for their God given rights. Because the point of bringing up God in the Constitution is that our rights are naturally endowed, not granted by any state or corporate organization.

There's good reason to be thinking about our country's constitution at this moment. California State legislators are proposing what journalist are calling the most intense covid laws in the country. Our right to choose what medical procedures we undertake is pivotal to freedom because the human body is not a product owned by the state. No one, nobody should ever be allowed to dictate what happens to another persons body. There's a fine line between protection and control, and it's important to recognize when it's being crossed.

The same administrations pushing violations of our bodily autonomy are also promoting a mental health law that would allow them to compel psychoactive medication by the recommendation of a therapist or family member. That seems really dangerous to me. A lot of therapist and even ordinary people are biased to believe medication is necessary, while many others believe medication only numbs the symptoms making it impossible to heal. I certainly wouldn't appreciate it if the state forced me to alter my perception.

I think a large part of why we're experiencing these radical ideas in our state politics is because the problems we have are out of control. I blame in large part our collective addiction to social media, as "crazy" as that sounds. Imagine how much better off we'd all be if we didn't spend a great deal of time scrolling, liking, commenting, and posting for attention. Social media companies admit to their platforms negative effects on mental health. If the state votes to compel treatment, will we bring justice to those companies as well?

At Rhapsodic Global, we're not interested in invading people's privacy or stalking them with ads and agenda driven algorithms. We're here to create a common interest in each others' success. We know these issues are bigger than our singular understanding of them. That's why our site is so inclusive, so we can do a better at developing our communities through collaboration. We know our strength is in numbers, and we're ready to do what it takes to make our home somewhere we our proud to live.

So please join us in the Humboldt County Improvement Group.

Anyone can join our site by creating their own profile, once joined they can see other contributors and post promotions in various places on the site. Under the Contributors tab in our site menu, click on "Join a Group" to see the list of available groups. There are a handful of groups for people to join and the option to create a group yourself. Our Forums also have some cool features in the form of categories. The intent is to make our site fun and inspiring for productive people everywhere!

Thank you Stand Up Humboldt for inspiring Humboldt County to stand up for our rights! I'm going to post one of Dianna's YouTube shows below, which shares a lot of the resources on the Stand Up Humboldt website as well as the notice/affidavit process. It's important that we know how to protect our rights responsibly, so my hats off to you for taking the time to learn how. Thank you for choosing Rhapsodic Global as a resource to help bring organizers together, may we make a positive impact in Humboldt County!

A few more things about Dianna Hardwick.. She's a business owner here in Humboldt County, and she has a lot of compassion for our local businesses. Dianna works tirelessly to educate and inform us on how we can protect ourselves, and our community. She's an open mind with a big heart and a strong faith. I feel for her a lot because, like me, she knows it's time for people to get together and get to business. Please join us, and make sure to visit the Stand Up Humboldt website to find the resources available to help the cause.

This promoblog post was written by Anthony DeLuca of, and donated to be shared on!


Dianna Hardwick
Dianna Hardwick
Mar 07, 2022

indeed-may the creator of all bless this endeavor & deliver us from evil. Amen.

Unknown member
Mar 08, 2022
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