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Join date: Jan 4, 2022

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Hi, my name is Laurel, I'm a Starseed and had my spiritual awakening in the beginning of 2019 after spending about 16 years of my life chronically sick and overprescribed medications. This started for me when I was a teenager, I was hospitalized at the age of 16 years old in a psychiatric institution and started on the hamster wheel of diagnosis and lots of medications and this led to issues with my thyroid as well. I personally believe now that trauma was at the root of most of my illnesses and I have a history of childhood trauma of every kind. Anyway, one day I was able to release a deep-seated fear from my root chakra and literally ascended and since that experience of becoming "self-realized" I have been able to begin the arduous but also courage task of living my life as authentically as possible but also as a conscious architect, literally and I want to teach others how to do this work too. The path to reclamation and healing is not an easy path to walk, it requires shadow work, a lot of healing, unlearning/deconditioning, as well as intention, you gotta show up for you. But it is the only way to lighten up, grow, learn, evolve, and to begin to consciously use the universal laws to your benefit instead of being a victim of happenstance. I am not here to sugar coat this work that I am offering to help others with however I know that by changing the way that we think we can create miracles in our lives, and I am living proof of this statement. I know that I am here to uplevel out of old outdated ways of thinking and being, and I am wondering as I write this, who else is with me? I currently am offering Ho'oponopono clearings as well as trainings and I am trained in and now have Morrnah N. Simeona's Ho'oponopono "The Hawaiian way of Life" Manual to help aid in clearing blocks from the subconscious mind that may be keeping you from living the life that you actually want to live. This type of Ho'oponopono is not the same thing as what was brought to the west and popularized by Joe Vitale. Anyway, let's rewire those neural pathways so that you can use the law of attraction consciously, eh? If there is an area of your life that you would like help with such as relationships, health/wellness, or finances, career? Please reach out if you are interested in working with me or have questions about what it is that I am offering.

Right now, a clearing with me is only $40.00

While a training is $222 but you would have the actual manual to help you and your family out of inner and outer conflict. My email address is

Thank you for reading!

Laurel Pearson

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